Fix Dell Printer error code 009-654

Dell Printer Support Number

Dell Printer mistake code 009-654 is a typical specialized blunder that shows itself through low-quality prints and smeared hues. Mistake Code 009-654, for the most part, demonstrates that your printer firmware is obsolete or that the CTD sensor isn't perfect. You can allude to the arrangements referenced in this article to fix Dell Printer blunder code 009-654. On the off chance that you find that mistake code 009-654 happens as often as possible, you can call the Dell Printer customer care phone number and counsel a guaranteed and expert master to execute further developed investigating steps.

Arrangement 1: Reset the Dell Printer: Resetting the printer is a standout amongst the most essential and now and again the best answer for fix Dell Printer mistake code 009-654. You can allude to the means offered underneath to reset your Dell printer and clear the CTD sensor to fix the blunder:
Dell Support Phone Number

After you clean the sensor, you can close the back printer spread and afterward restart your Dell printer and check if the issue is settled. You should remember that diverse printer models may have various approaches to open the back spread and clean the CTD sensor. On the off chance that you find that Error Code 009-654 perseveres even after you reset the printer, you can move to the following arrangement. 

Arrangement 2: Update Dell Printer Firmware: New Printer Driver updates are intended to redesign existing highlights and to address the general usefulness of your Dell Printer. A standout amongst the most ideal approaches to tackle Dell Printer blunder code 009-654 is to refresh your printer firmware with the goal that you get the most recent adaptation:
  • Open your program and go to the Dell Driver and Downloads page
  • Type the printer administration tag, click 'Submit' and open the drivers' rundown
  • Use the drop-down menu and select the working arrangement of your PC
  • Check the 'Class' area for every one of the records recorded as 'Drivers.'
  • Keep track of the document names since you require it in the wake of downloading
  • Click the symbol and download the applicable Dell printer drivers
  • Save the document and run it as head
When the User Account Control window shows up, click 'Yes' to start the Dell Printer driver establishment and allude to the directions given in the prompts to wrap up the firmware. On the off chance that you find that the issue proceeds even after you update to the most recent adaptation of the firmware, at that point you should call the Dell Printer to support phone number and request extra help. A group of prepared Dell Printer technical support phone number specialists is accessible 24 hours every day to give you the ideal answer for purpose Dell Printer error code 009-654.

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